DOES DR JESALVA accept Insurance?
Unfortunately, Dr. Jesalva does not accept insurance.
However, we can supply you with a superbill with all the necessary information to process and submit to your insurance carrier if you desire. I recommend you contact your insurance company to find out if and how much they will reimburse you.
However, we can supply you with a superbill with all the necessary information to process and submit to your insurance carrier if you desire. I recommend you contact your insurance company to find out if and how much they will reimburse you.
How do I submit it to my insurance?
There is a customer service number on your Insurance card – call the number and tell them you need a claim form sent to you so that you can submit a bill. When you receive the claim form complete it using the information on the superbill that we gave you and return it to them for processing. We recommend you keep a copy for future reference.
Why do you need a copy of my credit card?
Dr. Jesalva prefers a credit card be on file for any missed appointment charges or in case you forget to bring payment at the time of the visit. This allows us to spend the appointment time focusing on your situation and treatment rather than on billing matters.
Do you have Saturday or Evening appointments?
Unfortunately, Dr. Jesalva has additional responsibilities to the community and his family and is unable to accommodate these times.